Not for nothing...but Valentine's Day sure does have cute decor! And we all know how much of a sucker I am for cute things! wallet does not always agree with my need to fufill my creativity. So I decided to stalk Pinterest for cute and cheap ideas to decorate my home with (mind you, I live with my boyfriend so I can't exactly go overboard with pink-heart-things all over the place lol).
So I decided to make a V-Day Rose Wreath! Simple, cheap, and I can leave it on all month long. :-)
1) Cardboard (to cut your heart shape any size you want).
2) Color Paper or paper stock of any color you'd like. - To make flowers.
3) Hot Glue gun (I didn't have this with me, so I had to use tape booo).
4) Scissors
5) String or Ribbon to hang this once done.
6) Wreath Door holder.
How To:
1) Ever made hearts in elementary school? Teachers make you fold the paper in half, you draw out half the heart on the paper, cut it out, open it, and you have a symmetrical heart shape? Well you will need to do the same thing for this heart on cardboard. Fold in half, draw it, and cut it out. Remember to cut out a smaller heart in the middle. Mine was about 4 inches thick (you want enough space for the flowers).
2) You will need patience......A LOT OF IT! Make as many flowers as you can out of the paper scraps you have. All different sizes work best. I chose hot pink and red for my roses. There are many different ways to make them, but here is an example below.
3) Have fun gluing and arranging all those flowers on your cardboard heart. Mix up sizes and colors. Makes it more spontaneous and easy going.
4) Grab a long piece of ribbon (depending on how high/low you want your wreath to hang). Make a big ass circle with the ribbon and tie off at the end. Stick the ribbon through the roses carefully, top pointy middle of the hearth going through the circle first. Since the middle of the heart is pointy, it wouldn't balance properly on the door wreath holder. This is why I had to hang it this way ( I also turned the wreath holder in the opposite direction and attached longer string from the back ).
TA-DA! Beautiful and glamours wreath!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! <3 p="">
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